Tuesday 10 April 2012

a spectacular Easter Sunday

Rozzy, Andrea and myself rise early for some tuneful singing in church – nothing like BELTING out those hymns… leaving us with that satisfied feeling of ‘good deed done for the day’!

Service was shortly followed by a delicious slab of cake and hot chocolate at the Glasgow Tea Rooms. Loved the little quote that came with our bill...

Well the time has come
for you to rub your tum
and bid farewell to
the butterfly and pig
with trotters or wings
or with a ding a ling ling
open our door
and be a stranger no more
and welcome back to
The Tearooms.

I can satisfyingly say we INDULGED. And although the Easter Bunny Rabbit obviously thinks I have matured beyond the years of chocolate eggs, nothing is more of a treat than spending it with some of my favourite girls!

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